CoffeeRoaster Management Module Ribbon

CoffeeRoaster Management Module Ribbon

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The CoffeeRoaster Management\Roaster Ribbon is broken down into 15 Groups, from left to right these are:

1)  Green Bean BIN Totals - This Group includes Green Lbs (a total of Green Inventory), Green$$, the estimated value of the Green Bean Inventory and Shelf$$, the estimated value of the Shelf Inventory.

    R - The current state of Ribbon Updating, On or Off

  CoffeeRoaster Management Icon   TheCR Management Icon - Turns Ribbon Updating On
   CoffeeRoaster Turn Ribbon Updating Off Icon    Turns Ribbon Updating off.  When Ribbon updating is turned off this icon will be disabled.
  CoffeeRoaster Update Ribbon   Updates the Ribbon whether Ribbon Updating is turned On or Off

2)  Sign In - This Icon is used to Sign In to CoffeeRoaster.  There is a drop down menu that also allows you to Sign Out.
 CoffeeRoaster Sign In   

3)  Sign Out - This Icon is used to Sign Out of CoffeeRoaster

  CoffeeRoaster Sign Out    This icon is used to Sign Out of CoffeeRoaster.  The Icon will be disabled when no one is signed into CoffeeRoaster.

4)  Summary - Bags - The Summary -Bags Group contains six information values about current Production, User and Timer status and an Icon which serves as a warning when probable Coffees have been imported from QuickBooks.  Probable Coffees are items imported from QuickBooks that match the 'Coffee Scheme' for your business but do not have matching configuration information in CoffeeRoaster.  As this items are probably coffees and need to go into the production process as soon as possible, it is necessary to process these items and those that are Coffees need to have configuration information entered into CoffeeRoaster.  This should be initiated from the Probable Coffees Form/Tab.

 CoffeeRoaster Probable Coffees OK    There are no items in the Probable Coffees form, this should be the normal mode of operation.
 CoffeeRoaster Probable Coffee Warning    This icon is a warning that Probable Coffees exist in the Probable Coffees Form/Tab.  These potential coffees should be processed immediately from the Probable Coffees form.

5)  Roast Info YTD - This Group provides Roast information and only applies to those who have the optional Roaster Module. 
     G_YTD Lbs - the total Green Lbs of all Single Origins used for the current year
     R_YTD Lbs - the total Roasted Yield of all Single Origins for the current year (Totals only include data where final RstLbs data has been entered)
     Shrinkage - a total composite calculated Shrinkage for all Roasts for the year

6)  Sales Lbs     Production Lbs

     S_YTD - Roastled Lbs Year to Date from all Single Origins
     S_MTD - Roasted Lbs Month to Date from all Single Origins
     S_WTD - Roasted Lbs Week to Date from all Single Origins

     P_YTD - Produced Lbs Year to Date from all Single Origins
     P_MTD - Produced Lbs Month to Date from all Single Origins
     P_WTD - Produced Lbs Week to Date from all Single Origins

8)  Reload - CoffeeRoaster Reload  reconnects to the CoffeeRoaster data file and reloads the CoffeeRoaster user interface

9)  Navigation - The Navigation Group contains the main drop down menus for Coffees, Roast Summary, Tables (Forms), Reports, Utilities and a Link to Data file for CoffeeRoaster Admins.  The individual drop down menus for the Navigation Group (Coffees, Roast Summary, Tables, Reports, Utilities) are detailed in individual tables in the detail documentation below.  Each Icon item contains a detailed table covering the use of the individual items in the drop down menu. 

 The Utilities Icon within the Navigation Group is dynamic and will change colors to notify you of potential Configuration issues.

 CoffeeRoaster Utilities Icon Red     The Red Icon indicates that a known configuration issue exists, you should open the Configuration Utilities form to find out what the issues are and make corrections.
 CoffeeRoaster Utilities Icon Yellow     The Yellow Icon indicates that there may be a configuration that should be checked.
 CoffeeRoaster Utilities Icon Brown     The Brown Icon indicates that there are one or more Single Origins that are not connected to Roast Components preventing their use in formulas and managing deductions.  This may be normal. 
 CoffeeRoaster Utilities Icon Green     The Green Icon indicates that the configuration issues that are being monitored look good.

 CoffeeRoasterLinkToData     The Link to Data Icon is only enabled when a CoffeeRoaster Admin is signed into CoffeeRoaster.  This option provides the ability to connect to a data file.

10)  Scheduling - CoffeeRoaster Scheduling IconThe Scheduling Group supports the optional Scheduling Module with the necessary functionality to Schedule Production, view Scheduling Calendars (Roasters, Grinders, Flavoring, Packaging) and manage scheduled items.

11)  Undo - CoffeeRoasterUndo The Undo Group allow you to roll back changes to a record when you are editing the record.  The Undo action will return the record back to the values that it had before changes began on that individual record. 

12)  Find - CoffeeRoasterFindThe Find Icon is useful when searching for an individual record in a large group of records on a Datasheet type of form.  Aspire recommends that you start the process by first clicking in the field that you want to search in to establish that as the default search location for when the 'Find' form opens.  After first clicking in the desired search field, then click on the Find icon to open the box below.  Enter exactly what you want to search for in the 'Find What:' field, the 'Look In:' field should contain the name of the field you are searching in, the 'Match:' field can be Whole Field for an identical match or Start of Field for the beginning characters of the field.  The 'Search:' field should be all so that records either above or below can be found.  The Search dialog box is shown in the image below searching in the RoastID> Field.

 CoffeeRoaster Microsoft Search Form

13)  Backup - The Backup Icon provides access to the Backup Procedure and a Backup Form which shows the history of backups.  The Backup Icon is dynamic and will change from Red to Yellow to Green with new Backups.

 CoffeeRoaster Traffic Light Green    The Green Traffic Light indicates that a successful Backup has been done within the last 24 hours.
 CoffeeRoaster Traffic Light Yellow     The Yellow Traffic Light indicates that the last successful Backup is more than 24 hrs old but less than 48 hours old.
 CoffeeRoaster Traffic Light Red     The Red Traffic Light inidcates that the last successful Backup is more than 48 hours old or that no backup exists.   

14)  About - The About Icon displays a CoffeeRoaster form that includes the current Software Version for the CoffeeRoaster application as well as the current version of the Data File and the required version of the Data file.  If you click on the Info button the display will show additional information including the following:

 CoffeeRoaster About Icon

     Application Path
     Data Table Path
     Data File Size
     License Owner
     Serial Number
     Email for CC
     Install Date

15)  Exit - closes the CoffeeRoaster application.  This icon should be used to Close CoffeeRoaster rather than closing with the 'X' in the upper right hand corner of the CoffeeRoaster Window.

 CoffeeRoaster Exit Icon