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FishWare Guides Calendar

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FishWare 5 Week Guide Calendar

FishWare Guides Calendar

The weekly Guides Calendar allows you to effectively schedule and manage your guided trips and scheduled Guide Days off. As with other FishWare calendars, color coding indicates appropriate conditions such as All Day Trip, Morning Trip, Afternoon Trip, Evening Trip, mixed reservation (Yellow, this indicates that something may be wrong with the reservation or optionally you can specify a mixed trip). As with the Meals calendar, the heavy red border indicates that a customer has a special meal requirement.
The Guide Calendar is customizable and allows you to specify up to 35 guides and determine which row number each Guide occupies.  You want to put your most desired Guides at the top.
Color Coding on the Guide Calendar
  • Red in the Header area (Day/Date area) indicates a customer trip reservation where a guide has not been assigned, this may be urgent
  • Yellow in the Header area (not shown) indicates a trip assigned to a guide who has not been assigned a row on the calendar
  • Red in the Guide section (not shown) indicates overbooking, too many in a boat, etc.
  • Yellow indicates a mixed trip - this may be OK but it a reminder to review the trip details. A mixed trip could be mixing customers in a boat or wade trip who don't know each other, a full day trip scheduled for one customer and a partial day scheduled for another and other issues which could negatively impact the customer experience
  • Blue indicates a scheduled day off for the guide
  • Green indicates a full day trip
  • Purple indicates a morning trip
  • Tan (not shown) indicates an afternoon trip (not shown)
  • Light Rose (not shown) indicates an evening trip (not shown)
  • Light Blue (not shown) indicates an offer to the Guide to do the trip but the Guide has turned down the trip offer


Customizable Holidays and special events are shown in the form footer.

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