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CoffeeRoaster and Microsoft Office 365

CoffeeRoaster Links

CoffeeRoaster Video Link

CoffeeRoaster Case Study

CoffeeRoaster Production Module

FishWare Venue Calendar Link

FishWare Meals Calendar Link

FishWare Monthly Calendar Link

FishWare Housekeeping Calendar Link

FishWare Guides Calendar Link

CR Assemblies Module

CR Flavor Module

CoffeeRoaster RoasterStandAlone Module

Microsoft is continually changing Microsoft Office and over the years it has had a remarkably successful record of maintaining compatibility with earlier Microsoft Office files.  CoffeeRoaster and FishWare were originally created in Microsoft Office Access 2007, a relational database application with corporate level scalability.  Microsoft Office Access 2007 and later combine the ability to leverage the larger Visual Basic programming language along with a version of SQL (Structured Query Language).  These capabilities along with a Relational Database design (pioneered by IBM) make Microsoft Access a powerful tool for managing desktop databases.

With the 2016 version of Office 365 we are seeing some compatibility issues with earlier versions of CoffeeRoaster on a few machines.  These issues only tend to appear on machines where Office 365 2016 has been installed.  A simple repair procedure exists that generally needs to be performed AFTER CoffeeRoaster has been installed or sometimes after Windows Updates that include Microsoft Office updates. 

The procedure is simple and takes only a few minutes to perform.  In Windows 10 there are two ways of doing this repair, in Windows 7 you must do it from the Programs and Features Control Panel applet.

The Windows 10 version will be discussed below.  The process is essentially the same for Windows 7 except that the terminology is a little different.  Essentially, selecting the Microsoft Office 365 item we need to 'Modify' or 'Change' it depending on which interface we are using.  An example is shown below.

The symptom that you encounter when this issue occurs when you try to open CoffeeRoaster.  During the load process, you will essentially get 1 tab and then an error message.  The color scheme of the tabs will be from the Old Access 2007 color scheme rather than the new Office 2016 color scheme.  When you see this issue, perform the procedure below.

1)  In Windows 10 go to the Settings Icon (2nd Icon above the Windows Start Button).  You will then see the form below.  Click on the 'Apps' Icon.

Windows 10 Windows Settings image

Next navigate to the Microsof Office 365 entry and select it as shown below.

Windows Apps & Features selection

Click on the 'Modify' button and then the dialog shown below will appear.

Microsoft Office 365 Repair Confirmation

Click on the 'Repair' button, the form below will then display the progress of the 'repair'. 

Windows 10 Application Repair

After the Repair process has been completed CoffeeRoaster will open normally in the color Scheme of the new Access 2016 format.