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FishWare - 5 Week Guide Calendar

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FishWare 5 Week Guide Calendar

The FishWare 5 Week Guide Calendar displays Guided Fishing Trip information for a 35 day period.  On scheduled days the background of the day will indicate basic information about the trip and the contents of the day will indicate trip details.  Each day can contain the trip information for up to 2 Customers.  Background colors are used to help describe the length of a trip or a general starting time.  Yellow and Red backgrounds are important as they represent a reservation or combination of Fishing reservations that needs more configuration on the part of the Lodge.  Additional detailed information on understanding the 5 Week Guide Calendar is listed below the image.  Also, the Guide Schedule Forward, which is an additional report, can contain additional trip information.

FishWare 5 Week Guide Calendar

Each customer reservation (typical maximum of 2) is generally 3 lines long, the first Line contains important trip information, the second identifies the customer so that if you have fished with that customer before you will have an idea of what the customer's interests are and the third line defines the trip Starting Time (optional with the Lodge).

Line 1 Part 1 - Example F  GC F/W  F2
1st Character 'F'
   F - Full Day
   M - Morning
   A - Afternoon
   E - Evening
   N - Night
   O - Overnight

Line1 Part 2 - 'GC F/W' - Guides Choice Float/Wade
The second part of the first line describes the type of trip, this may be a specific fishing venue or a more general description that allows the Lodge and the Guide some flexibility to decide at a later time the actual location of the trip.  

Line 1 Part 3 'F2'
The third part of the first Line defines the number of Guided Anglers for the Reservation.  

On occasion, the information needed to display the customer information is too large to fit onto 1 line, in this case part of the text may wrap to the next line.  In this situation, it is recommended that you consult your Guide Schedule Forward report or call the lodge and speak with lodge staff.  

The second line provides the name of the customer.  If you keep a record of past trips with customers, this information may help you to better prepare for the trip.  

The third line provides the starting time for the trip.  For some Lodges, this may be consistent from day to day and week to week and there is no need to specify a starting time, so this is optional for the Lodge.

Red and Yellow backcolors indicate Critical trip information is missing or misconfigured!
Background colors are used to identify certain useful information about the trips for the day.  As only 1 color can be displayed at a time, a system of priorities is used.  As an example, a red background indicates that too many Anglers are scheduled for the Trip type.  In this case, the color would be used to specify a critical situation that needs to be resolved before the trip.  A Yellow background indicates a trip or trips that don't have all the necessary details or that two different trip types are scheduled for the Guide.  You cannot Guide on 2 different rivers at the same time, so all Scheduled trips for the day should be of the same Trip Type.  Additionally, when Guiding for more than 1 Angler it is important that Anglers know each other and come from the same 'Group'.  In FishWare, a Group refers to 2 or more anglers that are part of a family or work group that socialize, share rooms and fish together.  

Red Borders indicate a meal or other customer specific issue that the Guide needs to know about
Guides often are responsible for customer meals during the day, but for some customers there may be medical conditions that prohibit certain foods or simply guest food preferences.  If the day has a Red Border the Guide needs to call the lodge to get the specific details about what needs to be done to properly manage the trip.